
The Chizhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge is the tenth Yangtze River Bridge planned for construction in Anhui Province and a key project for the “Jiqi” highway crossing the Yangtze River in the planning of the expressway network.

Zindn shield products are used for the outer surface of steel box girder, beam, tuyere, etc. (except bridge deck), as well as the inspection of vehicle track, anchorage plate and beam, construction site connection, friction surface, welding, bolt recoating, etc.

遵义县| 洪洞县| 长沙市| 专栏| 莱州市| 璧山县| 林州市| 简阳市| 柞水县| 聂拉木县| 隆林| 镇康县| 贵溪市| 油尖旺区| 富蕴县| 天峨县| 瓦房店市| 洞头县| 江华| 大新县| 泽普县| 晋中市| 梅州市| 章丘市| 仁寿县| 黎平县| 宣汉县| 吉安市| 逊克县| 汉中市| 鹰潭市| 台安县| 温宿县| 乐都县| 渑池县| 广昌县| 山丹县| 政和县| 富平县| 浠水县| 满城县|