
Mechanical equipment
Serial numberPainting procedurePaint nameNo. of paintingAverage film thickness um/channel (dry film)Thinner
1Surface treatmentSandblasting

Waterborne epoxy zinc phosphate primer

160Neutral water

Waterborne polyurethane topcoat

Description:1、If the local rust is serious, it must be polished and pretreated with rust repair paint, and then the above supporting system.
2、Acid-resistant topcoat is available in areas with acid mist.
3、According to the environmental conditions in each region, negotiate with Party A to resolve.
嘉峪关市| 汽车| 泰兴市| 潞西市| 高阳县| 莫力| 红河县| 卢湾区| 灵寿县| 永登县| 抚顺市| 麻江县| 交城县| 自贡市| 上林县| 包头市| 福安市| 行唐县| 县级市| 金秀| 天津市| 称多县| 西吉县| 高平市| 筠连县| 盐亭县| 宁乡县| 务川| 柏乡县| 长子县| 嘉兴市| 商河县| 招远市| 同江市| 务川| 桃园市| 沐川县| 吉安市| 中西区| 扎兰屯市| 县级市|