
Offshore platform (atmosphere)
Serial numberPainting procedurePaint nameNo. of paintingAverage film thickness um/channel (dry film)Thinner
1Surface treatmentSandblasting
2PrimerWater-based cold spray zinc primer280Neutral water
3Intermediate paintWaterborne epoxy cloud iron intermediate paint2160
4TopcoatWaterborne two-component fluorocarbon topcoat280
Description:1、If the local rust is serious, it must be polished and pretreated with rust repair paint, and then the above supporting system.
2、Acid-resistant topcoat is available in areas with acid mist.
3、According to the environmental conditions in each region, negotiate with Party A to resolve.
永丰县| 宿松县| 怀宁县| 连山| 镇江市| 乌兰察布市| 贡山| 玉门市| 甘孜县| 英德市| 孙吴县| 永清县| 中牟县| 民勤县| 南通市| 梁平县| 普兰店市| 江源县| 兖州市| 专栏| 巴彦淖尔市| 海安县| 黑山县| 介休市| 嵩明县| 彭水| 广宁县| 常熟市| 肇源县| 弋阳县| 五原县| 若羌县| 济阳县| 井研县| 余干县| 资兴市| 外汇| 谷城县| 锦州市| 宜昌市| 宁强县|