
Commercial vehicle
Serial numberPainting procedurePaint nameNo. of paintingAverage film thickness um/channel (dry film)Thinner
1Surface treatmentSandblasting
2PrimerWaterborne epoxy primer160Neutral water
3TopcoatWaterborne polyurethane topcoat140
Description:1、If the local rust is serious, it must be polished and pretreated with rust repair paint, and then the above supporting system.
2、Acid-resistant topcoat is available in areas with acid mist.
3、According to the environmental conditions in each region, negotiate with Party A to resolve.
井陉县| 襄汾县| 三亚市| 马公市| 富平县| 高陵县| 邵东县| 九龙坡区| 财经| 西丰县| 塘沽区| 鹤岗市| 富裕县| 双城市| 哈尔滨市| 宁南县| 临安市| 福泉市| 尼木县| 清水河县| 彭州市| 安泽县| 平阳县| 扶风县| 平乡县| 金门县| 莆田市| 诸城市| 常山县| 阿图什市| 乐陵市| 黑河市| 大同市| 纳雍县| 民权县| 满城县| 天全县| 彭州市| 广宗县| 漯河市| 柯坪县|