
Own zinc shield brand


Private brand ZD

Become the "Huawei" of the anticorrosion industry

Industry standard setter, leading industry development

The third generation of zinc shield cold spray zinc, salt spray resistance 10000 hours, 6MPA-20 MPA adhesion, 5000 hours

Resistant to cathodic peeling

15 years of technical experience, thousands of customers recognize and trust

Various scenarios, various industries, various corrosion conditions, provide a one-stop solution in many aspects. Full service

To solve various chaotic problems in the industries of type selection, procurement, painting, etc., worry-free! Strong R&D

Team, principle research + basic R&D + thousand application practice improvements = surpass similar foreign products.

葫芦岛市| 临海市| 兰考县| 稻城县| 临高县| 罗城| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 巴楚县| 枞阳县| 扶余县| 鄢陵县| 监利县| 兴和县| 类乌齐县| 临澧县| 民和| 兴业县| 扶风县| 阿拉善盟| 赤峰市| 阳谷县| 佛学| 长春市| 和平县| 雅江县| 锡林郭勒盟| 巫山县| 刚察县| 金川县| 丹棱县| 刚察县| 应用必备| 平原县| 中卫市| 克山县| 南陵县| 上虞市| 丰镇市| 安阳市| 富川| 黄骅市|